Hobo Hollow

 Hobo Hollow is a campground in Holtwood, Pennsylvania that's open all year round. It lays in the valley between two fields in a small patch of woods. There are trailers that sit with the earth and folks that grew up there. It almost feels like a trailer park but it's not actually official.

It's a hot day in June, I'm driving in the country with my blue Chevy pick up truck on some back road. On the side of the road, I see a young man all red-faced, out of breath, pushing a bike up a hill as I'm going down it.

Thoughts that come to my mind - "He isn't much of a rider", " Should I turn around and ask if he'd like a lift?" I stopped talking to myself and I turned around and I pull up to him and asked him if he'd like a ride to where he was going. He didn't hesitant on answering me and threw his bike in the back of my truck bed and hopped in my passenger seat. I asked him where he was heading. He replied, "Hobo Hollow." So I made some lefts and some rights and we arrived.
As we're driving into the campground, he's directing me to his Father's trailer and then asks me how he could repay me. I tell him not to worry about it. He responds, "I've got no money but I have Zanies if you want some." I tell him, 'I'm alright." I pull into his father's driveway where I find his father sitting there shirtless, on a white five-gallon bucket in a patch of dirt with a few blades of grass that I'd call a yard, getting his head shaved from his a young boy who holds the clippers in his right hand. They both crack into a huge smile at me, genuinely, with missing teeth.

Images I wish I had photographs of. Moments I keep in my mind. Things I can't forget.

Slab City, CA, 2016

Slab City, CA, 2016